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Army Benevolent Fund Carlisle

The Army Benevolent Fund aids to provide soldiers and veterans with the means to live independently, and with the dignity they all deserve.  For some Army veterans, injury, disability and advancing years can make it difficult to remain independent and to stay living within their own homes.  We are on hand to support veterans and their families, both young and old, with home adaptations and mobility equipment that enable them to live where they have the best quality of life.  Some will require significant support and for the rest of their lives, and we are here to ensure their needs are met over the long term.


Here at psychic-lights and understanding army life and the transition in to civilian street,  That really isn't easy.


These guys and girls go in to army believing that what they are about to do is going to make a difference, 

They strive to look after us and protect us the best way that they can.


Once out of army,  life is very different with sometimes no support at all .. Our guys and girls feel forgotten. 


For this reason we have joined with Army Benevolent Fund in Carlisle to help support the guys and girls that have supported us over their time.


If you'd like to donate even the smallest amount please let us know on  07561 425 665 

where we will send you a very safe payment link,  The link is from sumup and its safe and easy to use .


All money raised and given will be published on this page.


we'd like to thank you for your kind help and support.




We are now on fb please come and join us if you'd like to:  Dee Forde psychic-lights  

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